But for being open source, free and easy to use today we are going to suggest you to use Open Hardware Monitor. There are lots of programs with which you can measure the temperature of your CPU in Windows. But it is clean, light and easy to analyze at a glance.

It does not have any type of overclocking tools and its interface is very simple. From the voltages they need to the temperatures at which they work. It can give you information about the different components of your system. HWMonitor is a classic computer monitoring solution. Which is ideal for those, who concerned about the time or external conditions that affect the temperature of the CPU. So, you can see how hot your CPU gets for a long period of time. Step 3: The Ryzen Master tool can also give you average and maximum readings. Even breaking it down through the core, so you can check if the individual cores are getting hotter than others. As with XTU, there is also a graph that shows the temperature of your CPU over time. Step 2: In addition to the ability to adjust the clock, it also has a CPU temp monitor that can be seen on the left side. Go to your download center to install the program. It works the same way as the Intel XTU, but for Ryzen chips. Step 1: If you are running one of AMD’s new Ryzen processors, you can use AMD’s Ryzen Master tool. XTU can be found at corresponding tab on the left. If you want to see how it works under stress, you can use the CPU reference point built into XTU. The higher, the more it works for your CPU have to do. Step 3: You can also see the intensity at which your CPU is working by the percentage of CPU utilization.

The most important thing for this particular guide is the package temperature and the associated graph. But, in the bottom panel of the main screen, you will see some critical data about your CPU. Step 2: During startup, it will show a lot of information. Step 1: To know the CPU temp when you run it, download the program from the Intel download center and install it just like you would any other application. Although primarily designed as an overclocking tool, Intel XTU comes with a series of integrated monitoring functions.

If you have an Intel Core processor, Intel Extreme Tuning Utility (XTU) is possibly the best way to check the performance level of your processor. Some of them can be a bit complicated, but if you want to know how to monitor CPU Temp, you will be fine with any of these that we show you below. There are a lot of applications that you can use to quickly and easily obtain your CPU temp. Basic Steps of CPU Temp Monitor for your Computer.How to Check and Monitor CPU Temp of the Computer.